You Call Me What? "Queer": Slurs, Reclamation, And Kinship [ZOOM] | FomoHomo Skip to content

You Call Me What? “Queer”: Slurs, Reclamation, And Kinship [ZOOM]

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You Call Me What? “Queer”: Slurs, Reclamation, And Kinship [ZOOM]

25 Jun, 2020
Event Category:
Thu 25 Jun 2020, 8:00 AM — Thu 25 Jun 2020, 9:30 PM Asia/Singapore Standard Time

How can ‘queer’ be, instead of a point of contention, a word that communit[ies] can rally around?

Let’s look at the impact the word ‘queer’ has had in LGBTQ organising in Singapore, especially among young people. What work does “queer” do in a local context? What community groups, that are usually segregated according to popular imagination, can it transcend?

This webinar will explore how ‘queer’ and other labels used in this region, such as ‘ah gua’, ‘tranny’, ‘bissu’, and ‘andro’ have increasingly (and historically!) been adopted in Singapore. Join us in discussing the potential of labels and their shifting meanings in building community, solidarity and political power.

Date: 25 June, Thursday
Time: 8.00pm to 9.30pm (Singapore Time)

Format: Speakers will share their perspectives during the panel discussion, followed by a Q&A session

Location: Online using Zoom, register here:

Only registered participants will be provided with the Zoom link and admitted into the webinar.



25 Jun 2020
8:00 am - 9:30 pm SMT
Event Category:

