Always wanted to try stand up comedy but too intimidated to start? Does the idea of dying onstage terrify you? Ever been to a comedy open mic and thought “I could do better than that”? Do you wish you could get a foot into the local comedy scene but it seems like too much of a straight boys’ club? Have you ever thought to yourself “if only there was a way for me to learn stand up comedy in an inclusive and welcoming environment”?
GRAB THE MIC is a comedy workshop for beginners. Over the course of two evenings, you’ll learn the basics of stand-up comedy, from writing jokes and creating sets to getting over stage fright and telling jokes onstage. Whether your goal is to quit your job and land a Netflix special, get the confidence to start performing at open mics, or simply to just be a bit funnier and more confident at work/parties/family reunions/etc, this workshop can help you reach them while having an amazing time.
9 Mar 2024, 7-10pm
Location: 116 Bishan Street 12 #02 -34
Graduates of the workshop can get spots on Siao Char Bors Comedy Night to showcase what they’ve learnt!
Waiting List
Can’t make the workshop because it’s full? Or can’t make the dates for this workshop but would love to sign up for the next? Indicate your interest here via our Waiting List!