Community Art & Open Studio
6 Jul, 2024
Art Week, Arts / Culture, Craft Making, Exhibition, Family Activities, Mental Health, Painting, Pink Fest
Sat 6 Jul 2024, 11:00 AM — Sat 6 Jul 2024, 2:00 PM Asia/Singapore Standard Time
35 Lor 23 Geylang, Singapore
Bring along your family & chosen family to create art while reflecting on the idea of community and inclusion, embraching diversity in mental health, race, gender and identiy.
All proceeds will be donated to mental health community projects in Singapore.
During a guided open art studio paricipatns will have the opportunity to create on a canvas. Reflecting on what an inclusive community would look like. Upon completion particpants can choose to take their art with them or alternatively donate the works to be exhibited within a community space.
Discussion group and reflection will take place from 13:00-14:00 lead by a mental health provider, Paricipatns can sign up for this section seperatly and ideal for individuals 18 years and older.